3 Week Weight Loss Detox Program

Detox, short for detoxification, is the removal of potentially toxic substances from the body. Although a detox program is primarily thought of as a treatment for alcohol or drug dependence, the term is also used to refer to diets, herbs, and other methods of removing environmental and dietary toxins from the body for general health and for weight loss.

This is a sample 3 week detox diet plan that is thought to support detoxification and weight loss by increasing elimination from the body, cleansing the colon, enhancing circulation to clear toxic substances, eliminating foods from the diet that require detoxification or are allergenic, and providing nutrients to support and protect the liver, the main organ involved in detoxification.

\"weight Loss\"

Benefits of a detox program includes weight loss.It is recommended to be followed for 3 weeks.

3 Week Weight Loss Detox Program

After 3 weeks,generally, people often feel improved energy,lose weight much quicker, clearer skin, regular bowel movements, improved digestion, and increased concentration and clarity. Improvement can also be assessed by measuring markers of disease and laboratory tests.

Here are the foods to eat when doing a 3 week weight loss detox program:

Fresh Fruits and Fresh Vegetables
All fresh fruits and vegetables are good for detox,for health and for any weight loss program.
Great detox foods include broccoli, cauliflower, broccoli sprouts, onions, garlic, artichokes, beets, red and green vegetables.

Brown or basmati rice, rice cakes, rice crackers and rice pasta.

Other Grains
Quinoa, amaranth, millet, and buckwheat can be used instead of rice. They can be purchased at a health food store.

Split yellow and green peas and lentils are easiest to digest and require the least soaking time. Other acceptable legumes include kidney beans, pinto beans, mung beans, garbanzo beans (chickpeas) and adzuki beans.

Nuts and Seeds
Unsalted nuts, seeds and nut butters can be sprinkled over any meal. Includes flaxseed, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, almonds, cashews and walnuts. Avoid peanuts.

Extra-virgin olive oil it's the best for weight loss and detoxification.

Herbal Tea
Herbal non-caffeinated teas, green tea,helps the liver and sustaines detoxification.

Other detox Beverages,also good for weight loss
Water, lemon water, 100% natural fruit and vegetable juices, rice milk

Here are the foods that you must avoid,for health,weight loss and detox,especially when following a program(diet and/or exercise):

Refined sugar and mixtures containing refined sugar, including sucrose, dextrose, corn syrup, brown sugar, turbinado. Avoid artificial sweeteners.

Fatty Dairy Products
Milk, eggs, butter and other dairy products.

Wheat and products containing wheat.

All gluten-containing grains, including barley, rye, spelt and kamut. Some people are sensitive to gluten, a protein fragment in these grains.

Coffee, both regular and decaffeinated, black tea, and other drinks containing caffeine should be reduced. Green tea is a great substitute to regular coffee.

Other Foods to Avoid
Food additives and preservatives
High-Fat Foods

Daily must do's when following a weight loss and detoxification program:

Drink a minimum of 8 glasses of water per day, warm or room temperature. Water is essential to clear waste from the blood. Thirst is often mistaken for hunger.

Do not drink liquids around mealtime.

Dilute fruit juice with 50% water.

Take the time to chew food well, especially grains.

3 Week Weight Loss Detox Program

Alberta McKain is nutritionist woman who used to be fat. After testing tens of so-called "wonder diets" she decided to create a Weight Loss Programs Review Website [http://www.loseweightfast.999answers.com], containing a top of the 3 best programs with a brief description about their features and benefits.

Visiting the website will help you make a wise decision. www.LoseWeightFast.999answers.com [http://www.loseweightfast.999answers.com]

Liposuction, a Sure Way to Quick Weight Loss?

Liposuction otherwise known as suction-lipectomy is a type of surgery that focuses on the removal of fat in specific areas of the body. This is not your cheap alternative to dieting and other methods of weight loss in fact, this can be quite expensive with considerable risks. Liposuction technology is quite new.

It started with a French Doctor who performed the first liposuction on a model. Unfortunately, the operation tragically resulted in gangrene. But this did not hinder other doctors from being interested with this kind of surgery. In the 1960's, liposuction evolved further from primitive techniques involving curettage, that only resulted to more infections and blood loss, to a method that utilizes suctioning to break down fat cells. In the 80's, many doctors have experimented with liposuction that resulted in some variations but less bleeding and morbidity.

\"Resveratrol Weight Loss\"

During the 1990's another technology is introduced where ultrasound is used to liquefy the fat cells. This method of liposuction triggered a lot of interest from the public and doctors alike. Eventually, it yielded undesirable effects such as complications which moderated the interests of many surgeons. After the ultrasound, another technology that uses laser-tipped probes entered the scene. Up to this point, the effectiveness of this method is still under evaluation. In spite of this, in a span of thirty years, liposuction methods have greatly improved. This time more fat cells can be removed in a relatively short period of time and with a faster rate of recovery.

Liposuction, a Sure Way to Quick Weight Loss?

As stated earlier, this is not your band-aid fix for weight loss. Not every one can be a candidate for liposuction. Generally, there's a criteria that should be met before one can undergo liposuction. These qualifications include: being more than 18 years of age, should be in good health and has gone through other methods of weight loss but to no avail. Certain health conditions may disqualify you from undergoing liposuction, conditions such as diabetes, circulation disorders or heart-related diseases.

Liposuction comes with its own challenges. There are factors to be considered such as removing the right amount of fat, maintaining the fluid balance of a patient, reducing the discomfort post-operatively and minimal disturbance of tissue structures including blood vessels as well as connective tissues. After liposuction, the patient may show some side effects like pain, swelling, bruising, scarring and sometimes movements can be limited.

Anyway, these side effects are controlled by over-the-counter or prescribed medicines.

If there are side effects, there are complications as well. Complications come in various forms such as infection, allergic reaction, fluid imbalance, skin necrosis or puncture to an organ. The more serious of these complications are skin necrosis, fluid imbalance and the puncturing of an organ. These can be prevented for as long as your surgeon is skilled enough to come up with measures that can counter-act the complications.

Knowing that you are aware of liposuction risks, it can still be considered as an effective method for weight reduction. It can help you, on the condition that you keep an open mind to the possible after-effects of liposuction.

Liposuction, a Sure Way to Quick Weight Loss?

To find out more about weight loss plans take a look here [http://www.weightlossplans-reviewed.com]

Dr Oz Resveratrol Vitamins Review - A Comprehensive Resveratrol Breakdown

There are a number Frequently Asked Questions that are common on the anti-aging health forums regarding resveratrol vitamins which have become increasingly popular over the last month since longevity was discussed by Dr Oz on the Oprah Winfrey show. And one of the most recurring queries is how much actual Resveratrol is there in wine?

In order to understand how many resv vitamins there are in wine, one must realize that resveratrol is a natural substance produced by grapes and other plants in response to a particular fungal infection. How much resveratrol is in a glass of wine depends, first, on whether these grapes were grown organically, and, second, how the wine was manufactured.

\"Resveratrol Weight Loss\"

Grapes sprayed with pesticides that prevent fungal infection contain very little, if any, resv. Wines grown in dry climates have less resveratrol than those grown in humid areas. Red wines contain more than white wines do because of how red wine is made. The end result is that organic red wines from particular areas of Europe contain the highest level of resv. But most wines contain either no resveratrol at all, or very little (less than a milligram per glass) - as this is mainly due to insecticides preventing the growth of rezv.

Dr Oz Resveratrol Vitamins Review - A Comprehensive Resveratrol Breakdown

One of the reasons why Sardinia holds record for the highest number of male centenarians is in part due to the high levels of resveratrol in their red wine scientists argue. Sardinia's wine has three times the level of resv as it's made locally with out any chemicals or pesticides.

As Sardinian life is very much centered around the family, getting together early evening everyday is pretty much a ritual and drinking two glasses of red wine is the norm, and medical journals observe that people who drink two glasses of red wine a day out live people who don't.

There are hidden dangers though with targeting red wine for your resv vitamin dosage and this is obviously alcohol consumption. Alcohol is the most socially addictive drug that has life-threatening health risks.

Alcohol consumption is so ubiquitous that we often don't really realize how dangerous it can be. Alcohol as we know is a proven carcinogen. Smokers generally know that smoking is extremely hazardous to your health, but most people are not aware of how dangerous alcohol is statistically.

To help avoid the dangers of alcohol addiction resveratrol vitamins are now manufactured and sold in a capsule form or juice.

Some supplemental facts are as follows:

Each container holds 60 capsules, one a day is the required dosage. The Resveratrol is made [from whole red grape (Vitis vinifera) and Polygonum cuspidatum (root) extract] under natural conditions and provides 20mg per tab. Quercetin (as quercetin dehydrate) provides a further 120mg per tab.

Other ingredients include: Gelatin, rice powder, magnesium stearate. This product contains NO milk, egg, fish, peanuts, tree nuts, wheat, yeast, gluten, crustacean shellfish (lobster, crab, shrimp), soybeans, or corn. Resv also contains NO sugar, artificial colors, sweeteners, flavors or preservatives.

Dr Oz Resveratrol Vitamins Review - A Comprehensive Resveratrol Breakdown

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Treadmill Weight Loss Tips

These treadmill weight loss tips are a great way to help you shed a few pounds and shape up. A treadmill is designed for the most natural form of exercise which is walking. You don't need any special skills to use these machines because if you can walk, you can exercise on a treadmill.

Treadmill weight loss is one of the most successful methods of losing weight. Just be consistent and work within your fat burning target range for 45 minutes or more per session at least 5 to 6 days per week.

\"weight Loss\"

If you are looking to shed unwanted pounds, implement a treadmill workout routine along with a sensible, healthy diet. The treadmill allows you the convenience of exercising in a safe, comfortable, climate controlled environment anytime day or night.

Treadmill Weight Loss Tips

If you are just starting out, check with your doctor before you begin any exercise regime. When you begin, start at a nice, easy pace, do shorter workouts for a few weeks and increase the length and intensity as your fitness level improves.

The main thing to keep in mind is to keep your body moving for as long and fast as you can but still remain comfortable. The faster the pace the more calories you will burn. The more calories you burn, the more weight you will lose.

Regular exercise on a treadmill will increase your body's metabolism and make it work more efficiently to burn more fat. The best treadmill workout plan is one that becomes a daily habit, just like brushing your teeth.

If you do a treadmill workout routine everyday you don't have to think about it, and it becomes a good habit. It soon becomes part of your normal day and you look forward to it. Consistency is the key to success.

Walking a treadmill to lose weight will consistently provide you with quality results and lasting benefits. It allows you to work at your own pace to burn calories effectively.

If you apply these treadmill weight loss tips they will have a positive impact on your weight loss as well as many other aspects of your life.

Copyright © 2005 Treadmill Info.com All Rights Reserved.

Treadmill Weight Loss Tips

This article is supplied by http://www.treadmill-info.com where you will find valuable information, ratings, reviews, articles and buying tips before you make the investment in quality fitness equipment. For more fitness related articles go to: http://www.treadmill-info.com/articles_1.html

Tori Spelling Weight Loss - How Tori Lost 40 Pounds in 2 Months

Tori Spelling's weight loss has actually brought her into the spotlight as she has shed more pounds than normal. She now sports a bony profile and reveals stress as the main factor behind this. Her health got affected because of the stressful relationship with her estranged mother and also because of the liquid diet.

It has been witnessed that many people are resorting to liquid diets in order to shed extra pounds at a very steady pace. The main motive now is to gain svelte profile. Thus, unhealthy measures are also tested these days so that one can gain the envy of others just like Tori Spelling. Her weight loss has got her back into spotlight. In fact she lost around 40 pounds within 2 months by sticking to the liquid diets.

\"weight Loss\"

How Tori lost 40 pounds in 2 months?

Tori Spelling Weight Loss - How Tori Lost 40 Pounds in 2 Months

Tori actually consumed liquid diets for up to 10 days in order to lose extra pounds at a very steady pace. Such liquid diets can be consumed for up to 40 days as per your patience and perseverance. While one is following this program he or she is not allowed to take any type of food. Since they are very low calorie diet it is always advisable that one should try to take vegetables and fruits along with it.

Side Effects of Liquid Diet

* You might suffer from fatigue and dizziness
* Hair loss can be the direct side effect of this program
* Such a program might lead to heart damage and electrolyte imbalance
* You might also suffer from muscle pain and cold intolerance

It is however very well understood that liquid diets might lead to weight loss but what after that? The moment you return to your normal eating habits you once again start gaining weight. Thus, it is always advisable that one should opt for the natural methods. For instance, the acai berry diet can be consumed without any second thought. Check it out:

Acai Berry Diet: This diet even got publicity in the most touted Oprah Winfrey Talk Show. This diet is very rich in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and fibers which can easily enhance the metabolism rate of your body. This factor would further help you to shed extra pounds at an accelerated pace.

Tori Spelling Weight Loss - How Tori Lost 40 Pounds in 2 Months

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Vitamin B12 and Weight Loss

Cobalamin or as it is better known, is one of the vital nutrients our bodies need in order to work properly. It is necessary to perform many of the body's more important tasks, including the making of DNA during cell division and the healthy formation of red blood cells.

B12 is known as the "energy vitamin" because it gives a real energy boost. It is used to remedy fatigue and it speeds up the metabolism. Red blood cells are also responsible for producing hemoglobin, the part of the blood that takes oxygen from the lungs and transports it to all the different parts of the body.

\"weight Loss\"

It has many functions and uses but does it help people lose weight?

Vitamin B12 and Weight Loss

What is the link between Vitamin B12 and weight loss?

Vitamin B12 Injections and Weight Loss

Some people might go to a clinic to get shots. These shots are administered directly into the muscle, allowing for better absorption. People who get these shots mainly suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome or a deficiency. They might also claim that taking these shots help them to lose weight.

However, injections by themselves do not directly induce weight loss, nor are they intended to. So why do people who get them lose weight?

There are many factors to take into consideration.

B12 causes the metabolism to speed up, which in turn increases weight loss. People who go to get injections tend to be more conscious of their health and are already on a vegetarian, or other weight loss diet.

Shots give a tremendous boost of energy. This generally helps people to maintain their diets, and motivates them to exercise and increase physical activity. Vitamin B12 also helps to fight stress and depression, symptoms which are sometimes associated with weight gain.

While the shots can be a great benefit to some, particularly those with a B12 deficiency, there can be some negative side effects when taken excessively or along with certain other substances. There is also a risk for those who have certain pre-existing conditions. It's important to consult a physician before undergoing injections.

Vitamin B12 Deficiency

Deficiencies can become a serious health threat. The body can normally stock up many years supply of vitamin B12, so it more often materializes when the body is unable to properly absorb vitamin B12 because of illness or old age. Incidentally, deficiencies can cause weight loss, among other symptoms. Extreme cases can even result in permanent nerve damage if left untreated.

A person diagnosed with a B12 deficiency will need to take supplements. These are most often taken as capsules or via intramuscular injections. Although vitamin B12 does not directly cause weight loss, it is still an essential nutrient that is needed by the body. It is important to get a sufficient amount of it and doing so will ensure better health, all around.

Vitamin B12 and Dieting

When undergoing any new weight loss program it is important to make sure that the diet is well balanced and contains all of the essential nutrients. This of course includes vitamin B12 and other essential nutrients.

Food sources rich in B12

Meat, Poultry, Milk and other dairy products, Eggs, and Fish

Since the only reliable source of vitamin B12 are from animals those practicing a vegetarian or vegan diet will have to get theirs from supplements. If a person doesn't get enough they may develop a deficiency.

Vitamin B12 and Weight Loss

I tried everything to lose weight including vitamin b12 [http://www.b12sublingual.com/] and never had much luck until I discovered this simple weight loss system and I was able to lose over 42 pounds you can learn more by visiting Healthy Weight Loss Project

Making Homemade Weight Loss Shakes

If you find that commercial weight loss shakes are costly and you are not sure about their ingredients, then try making homemade weight loss shakes instead. Homemade weight loss shakes are one of the most popular weight loss supplements because anyone can make them as long as you have the right ingredients, a blender, and some ice. In fact, they may even be helpful for some people compared to other weight loss products being sold in the market.

Simple but healthy

\"weight Loss\"

Homemade weight loss shakes are simple and easy to make because they do not require any cooking. When you use fruits or vegetables as your main ingredients for homemade weight loss shakes, you can get a healthy serving of all the vitamins and minerals all in one beverage. Furthermore, it can also serve as a replacement for other meals.

Making Homemade Weight Loss Shakes

Common ingredients

Sometimes, you may need other ingredients to add to your homemade weight loss shakes. It will depend on the type of nutrients your body needs and the kind of energy boost that you want. Here are some common ingredients that you can add to your shake:

o Fruits - these are helpful in getting rid of toxins from the body while providing antioxidants.

o Yogurt or low-fat milk - for your dose of vitamin D and calcium.

o Protein powder - for easier and faster digestion of your food while keeping you full for longer periods of time.

Other ingredients

Additional supplements and vitamins can also be added into your homemade weight loss shakes. Examples are bee pollen, black cohosh, ginko biloba, and dandelion. These ingredients promote healthy liver functions, cleansing of the intestines, more energy for exercise, prevention of fatigue, and prevention of allergies.

The benefits: vitamins and minerals

Freshly made homemade weight loss shakes are good sources of vitamins and minerals that pair up with co-enzymes and enzymes. These vitamins make the enzymes work and without them, our bodily functions will stop.


This is because enzymes work as catalysts in several chemical reactions happening inside our bodies. These chemical reactions are important to carry out digestion and the absorption and conversion of food to body tissue. Furthermore, enzymes are able to produce energy that are important for metabolic activities in our bodies.

The benefits: better vitamin and mineral absorption

When you drink homemade weight loss shakes, your body tends to absorb more vitamins and minerals coming from the fruits or vegetables you added in them, compared to eating them as a whole. This is because a lot of nutrients are trapped within the fiber present in the whole fruit or vegetable. However, by placing them in the blender, you break down the fiber to release the important nutrients.

You need vitamins and minerals

Even when you are on a diet, you still need the right amount of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that your body can take so your organs can still function properly. Furthermore, without the proper dose of those essential nutrients, you can become malnourished. Malnutrition can cause a lot of deficiency disorders and diseases, so make sure that your body is still getting its recommended daily dose of nutrients coming from healthy fruits and vegetables that you can eat whole or blended into homemade shakes. Here are more benefits of the vitamins and minerals you can find in fruits and vegetables:

1. Stronger nails and hair

2. Smoother skin

3. Essential compounds needed for health, physical well-being, metabolism, and health.

4. Maintain bone strength and bone density.

5. Regulation of blood clotting.

6. Aiding the functions of muscles and nerves.

7. Regulation of your heart beat.

8. Reducing risks on heart attacks and strokes.

Tips and tricks for making shakes

To start making your homemade weight loss shake, make sure that your vegetables and fruits are juiced raw. Depending on the fruit, small fruits with seeds can be placed into the blender with the seeds, like pears and watermelons. However, if you are using apples, grapefruit, oranges, nectarines, peaches, or papaya, make sure to remove the seeds or large pits.

Peeled and ripe

Make sure to pick ripe and fresh fruits and vegetables. If they are bruised, wilted, over-ripe, under-ripe, or even rubbery, the shake will end up tasting bad. If the fruit or vegetable is not grown organically, peel off the skins since all the chemical residues can be found on the surface. If you are using pineapples, grapefruit, papaya, kiwis, and oranges, make sure that you also remove their skins.

More tips with the blender and mixture

Vegetables and fruits should be cut into pieces that can easily fit your blender. If they get stuck under the blade while blending, use a spatula to remove the jammed ingredients before proceeding to blend. If your shake is blended evenly, add 2 ice cubes and keep adding them once in a while until it sounds smooth. However, if your blender cannot blend the ice cubes well, substitute them with cold water or cold fruit juice instead. Finally, if your shake is too thin, add more ice or fruit, and more liquid if it is too thick.

Making Homemade Weight Loss Shakes

Phillip England is a weight loss expert and director of TheUltimateWeightLossSecret.Com [http://www.theultimateweightlosssecret.com] - check it out for all your weight loss information. Phil also provides honest advice about weight loss supplements like Proactol [http://theultimateweightlosssecret.com/weight-loss-supplements/metabolism-boosters/effective-weight-loss-from-proactol]

Do Saunas Help With Weight Loss?

Saunas have been a popular tool for relaxation for a very long time. When saunas were first introduced, they were used primarily for relaxation of muscles and relieving the stress and tension that build up throughout life. As saunas became more and more popular and widespread, the people who used them regularly began to notice some very desirable side effects. Specifically, people began noticing weight loss as a result of using saunas.

Weight Loss - Myth or Fact

\"weight Loss\"

Many people are still incredulous about the reported weight loss through sauna use. However, the increased popularity of saunas all over the world cannot and does not lie. Studies have shown that frequent sauna use does indeed help in weight loss as the high temperature acts not only on the muscle tissue but also on the fatty tissues of the body.

Do Saunas Help With Weight Loss?

Many people agree that saunas have indeed helped them with weight reduction. The question is how? It is not true that the heat of the sauna helps in melting fat. Saunas - natural or infrared - are unable to melt fat with the help of heat. What a sauna actually does is help the body get rid of its excess salt through sweating.

What does salt have to do with weight loss? Plenty - there are many medical reports which explain the connection of salt and gain of weight. This gain is not fat gain but water retention gain. When a person consumes excess salt, this is deposited under the skin and in order for it to stay non-toxic it will demand water. The more salt you collect under the skin, the more water your body will demand and retain.

The sauna helps you get rid of this extra salt and thereby gets you rid of the water weight that you have gained. If you want to maintain the weight loss you enjoy from visiting the sauna, you need to keep salt consumption to a minimum in your diet.

Hence, the sauna does indeed help you loose weight though not in the regular way of melting fat. The heat usually forces the body sweat out the excess salt and toxins and thereby reduced a great deal of your water weight. Combined with a healthy and salt free (or reduced salt) diet, you could enjoy the new found way of staying trim and healthy.

Those who have studied the effectiveness of saunas for weight loss have observed that side by side with the relaxation benefits of saunas, they do help with detoxification of the body and with weight loss, when used frequently. What could be a better combination? One takes a sauna for relaxation and relief from stress and ends up with weight loss and body detoxification.

Do Saunas Help With Weight Loss?

Improve your health and experience the benefits of an Infrared sauna. Saunafin offers a great selection of saunas that will fit your space and home decor.
